Our consulting offer (languages: English, Deutsch, Русский, Українська, Српски, ქართული, עברית)

Your contact: Inga Krüger
For the consultation please make an appointment
You can reach us by phone on Monday and Tuesday from 10 am – 12 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm.
Or you can write us an e-mail (see below).
Systemic Advice
The systemic counselling method could be a positive support for you here!
The solution is already slumbering inside you!
When should I get advice?
When I have the feeling that I don't know what to do on my own.
e.g. with
⁃ Exhaustion / burnout,
self-esteem crises or crises of meaning,
conflicts in the interpersonal sphere, fears, psychosomatic reactions, grief / loss,
⁃ Workplace stress/bullying, career change or reorientation,
⁃ Other difficult times of change (birth, children starting school or university, separation, divorce, moving out, retirement, career change...).
Professional Advice
Online or face-to-face
Vocational guidance clarifies on an individual basis whether a recognition procedure makes sense.
The goal is the best possible vocational integration.
When should I seek advice?
⁃ I am looking for a new professional perspective,
⁃ I need information about further training measures, qualification, training or retraining?
⁃ I would like to create a sustainable, long-term professional perspective for myself?
We check together:
What qualifications and competences can be utilised outside the learned profession in order to achieve integration into the labour market.
Coaching individual
We support those seeking advice who are in a crisis or do not feel able to solve their problems themselves
Together with an experienced social worker, new perspectives and solutions are developed.
Individual coaching can be helpful with:
⁃ General dejection,
⁃ Anxieties and difficulties in relationships as well as in contact with other people,
⁃ Crises or desires for change in the family, partnership or professional sphere,
⁃ Coping with a separation
Social Counseling
We offer counseling for those seeking advice with social, financial and family problems.
The counselling is free of charge and anonymous upon request. We advise people seeking advice regardless of their denomination, origin or ideology.
Our advice can be given in German as well as in Russian, Georgian, Ukrainian, Hebrew, Serbian and English.
The following topics can also be discussed:
⁃ Personal and family difficulties, ⁃ Questions about housing benefit, parental benefit and child benefit, ⁃ Economic hardship
Our low-threshold offer is basic counselling and support for everyday concerns such as:
When I have the feeling that I don't know what to do on my own.
E.g. with
⁃ Questions and problem about the job centre
⁃ Support in formulating CVs and applications
⁃ Support in finding specific offers such as language courses and educational opportunities
⁃ Support in finding accommodation
⁃ personal help with going to public offices or doctors.
We also support:
⁃ When applying for statutory benefits such as ALG2, ⁃ The housing entitlement certificate (WBS), ⁃ Housing benefit, ⁃ Parental benefit or ⁃ Advance maintenance allowance
If necessary, we are happy to refer you to other counselling centres, e.g.
⁃ Debt counselling ⁃ Educational counselling ⁃ Marriage and family counselling ⁃ Addiction counselling ⁃ Self-help groups.