
Together for you

We stand for an appreciative culture, needs-based advice, complex networking and modern learning.

We are interested in the lives of our fellow citizens, are happy to accompany them on their way, create trust and are listeners, coaches and encouragers.

We accompany people individually and transparently in their professional orientation and qualification, in the implementation of viable solutions, in networking and in cultural projects.

With different focal points, we work closely with companies, local institutions and associations.

We speak, among others, English, Deutsch, Русский, Українська, Română, Српски, ქართული and עברית to the people in the Rhein-Main area.

Kiba verein wiesbaden

The association KIBA e.V. was founded in April 2023 in Wiesbaden.

In particular, people from Eastern Europe make up a significant part of our population today. They have found a second home here, appreciate the values here and want to enrich them with their own culture and tradition.

These people want to promote the big idea of a Europe based on openness, democracy, self-determination and freedom.

We want to encourage people to be active citizens in the European context.

It doesn’t matter whether someone has always lived here or whether flight or migration was the reason for immigration. It also doesn’t matter to us how old someone is, what gender, what religion or belief someone has or what language(s) he/she speaks.

We offer a platform for Eastern European art and culture.

We help through consulting and networking.

We support people willing to migrate and migrants in acquiring the qualifications and documents required in Germany.

KIba - beratung

Our consulting offer

We are there
for you and your family

professional advice

In the career counseling service, it is clarified individually whether a recognition procedure makes sense.

Coaching individual

We support those seeking advice who are in a crisis or do not feel able to solve their problems themselves.

Systemic advice

During the consultation, you describe your desire for change, your problem or the stressful life situation.

social counseling

We offer counseling for those seeking advice with social, financial and family problems.

Intercultural interpreters

Language problems or culturally-related different perspectives among immigrants lead to inhibitions about taking advantage of the services offered by medical, social or educational institutions. Volunteer intercultural interpreters support professionals in bridging linguistic and cultural hurdles. They act impartially, are subject to confidentiality and are committed to data protection. Intercultural interpreters can be used, for example, for conversations in public, social, educational and medical institutions, communication with authorities or information events.

We are currently providing intercultural interpreters for the languages Ukrainian, Romanian, Russian, Georgian, Bulgarian, French, English, Serbian, Turkish, Spanish, Arabic, Dari, Farsi, Pashto, Persian, Urdu.


If you would like to give our association an individual donation with an amount of less than 300.00 euros, the booking confirmation from your bank is sufficient as proof for the tax office. In times of online banking, the tax office usually accepts the booking confirmation. If this is not the case in your case, or if you would like to donate 300.00 euros or more to us, you can always ask us for a donation receipt. Our association is exempt from corporate tax through a decision from the Wiesbaden tax office dated May 17, 2023.

Please transfer to the IBAN: DE36 5109 0000 0006 5620 00

with the intended purpose: “Spende an KIBA e.V.”

Your contacts at KIBA

Inga Krüger
Julia Obolkina
1st deputy
Jan-Hardy Krüger
2nd Deputy and Treasurer

Make an appointment

Become a member of the association

Fill in this form and send it to us by e-mail to


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