
Malvina Nanikashvili

I come from Georgia and have been in Germany for 10 years.

My profession is visual artist.

I paint mainly with oils, work with ceramics and make graphics. I have loved painting since I was a little child. I can express myself well with painting and colours.


Nino Ramishvili von KIBA unterstützte

Nino Ramishvili

My name is Nino Ramishvili, I am a painter and also a graphic artist.

In 2000 I graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. I started painting since I was a child, my father was painter and sculptor Suliko Ramishvili, my father told me in my childhood that I had the talent and skills to paint, so he enrolled me in a 10-year art school for children, and from then on my interest and love for painting developed.

I work and paint at home where I have a small workshop and do creative work here, I also have students and teach painting, plus I teach art at an art school.

There are times when I can’t draw and I feel very bad because drawing is a part of my soul.
In 2019, I had a personal exhibition at the Tbilisi Public Library, where I presented works created until 2020. I am also thinking about organising an exhibition in the future, I will successfully participate in group exhibitions.

Marina Dobrovolskaya

Marina Dobrovolskaya

Marina Dobrovolskaya Evgenievna was born in Kharkov in 1986. In 2009 she graduated from the GS Faculty of the National Academy of Municipal Economy in Kharkov with a diploma in architecture.

The artist’s speciality lies in her individual style of execution: Maestro Dobrovolskaya works with a mixed technique of watercolours and pastels, which gives her works a touch of hyperrealism. Portraits occupy a special place in her work, with much emphasis on details to convey a person’s character.

Andria Natsvlishvili

Andrea Nastvlishvili, a painting Orthodox priest from Georgia, was born on April 28, 1955. He began painting at an early age and, after completing his schooling, continued his studies at the Mose Toidze Art School (1977-79). He also underwent professional artistic training at the State Academy of Arts in Tbilisi and the Moscow Art Institute (1980-84), long before turning to the Church. This turn occurred in 1995 during a creative hiatus, and in 2002, he chose a life as a clergyman. In 2011, his old passion for painting was rekindled; he picked up the brush again, and in 2013, he held his first solo exhibition in Georgia at the Center for Spiritual and Intellectual Development of the Youth of the Patriarchate of Georgia. The exhibition was dedicated to His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia. In 2013, he also began regularly exhibiting his work, primarily in his homeland.

Tamar Ramishvili

Tamar Ramishvili

I was born in Tbilisi into a family of artists. I started drawing at the age of 3. Dad was my first teacher. I continued my studies at the art school and later at the State Academy of Arts.

I take part in exhibitions organised by the Georgian Artists’ Association and I am its member.

In my creativity I try to awaken a familiar feeling in the viewer, to remember the feelings that are in the womb of the psyche, to feel that I respect it and to establish a kind of spiritual connection with it.


All paintings are made on canvas using oil, with brush and palette knife!

As an artist, I find solace in my paintings by expressing my love for the beauty around us. I began by doodling flowers in my notebooks and gradually ventured into drawing and painting, starting with drawing classes and later teaching myself the technique of palette knife painting.

My art revolves around themes such as flowers, ships, and pomegranates. To me, flowers represent happiness, and their simple beauty fascinates me. Through my work, I aim to bring joy to the places where my pictures are displayed. Pomegranates, with their intense colors, symbolize wealth and success. Ships, on the other hand, depict lonely souls on vast seas, embodying tranquility and distance for me.

In addition, I work on abstract pieces that reflect my feelings and life experiences.

Every stroke on my canvas mirrors my thoughts and unwavering dedication to my work. I only create in a positive mood, intending to spread happiness through the vibrant and uplifting energy in my artworks.

Nino Iashvili

Vladimir Fisenko

Vladimir Fisenko

Vladimir Fisenko wurde am 15. Dezember 1958 in Moskau geboren. Schon als Kind entwickelte er seine Leidenschaft für das Malen und Zeichnen. Nach seinem Schulabschluss studierte Vladimir Fisenko am Moskauer Druckinstitut. Während und nach seinem Studium arbeitete Vladimir Fisenko in einem medizinischen Verlag als Grafikdesigner und war für die internationale medizinische Literatur verantwortlich.
Er stellte seine Bilder auch in Ausstellungen und Museen aus. Unter anderem in Deutschland und den USA.

Mariam Anton-Stieler


I was born in Tbilisi. As a child I took part in exhibitions, attended art school and took part in children’s musicals. In addition to my 13 years of singing training at the conservatory, I wrote poems that were published in the newspapers of the time in Tbilisi. In my free time I design cakes with self-made sugar roses, occasionally draw, make pottery and write poems.

Art and its complexity is a means of expression for my soul, my constant companion through which I try to implement my thoughts.

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